Letter to Lifetime Fitness Marketing

Dear Lifetime Fitness Gym,

My household received your extravagantly over-sized marketing ad in the mail yesterday. You know, the one with the young, thin, slightly sweaty girl in skimpy work-out clothes on the front. Such a slick piece, I thought, warranted a look.

I noticed several things that made me think you weren’t really interested in my actually joining Lifetime Fitness. There were no pictures of anyone over 35 or mentions of programs for senior citizens. None of the models looked anything like me or any of my friends. If you’re trying to infer using your facilities will transform older, droopy, overweight persons into trim, muscular, wall-climbing athletes, I am Woman at the Gymsmarter than that.

Also wondering how high the dues must be for you to be sending out full color, magazine-sized ads that must have cost a bazillion bucks in a direct mailing.

Where I go to the gym, there are people of all ages and body types, working to stay healthy. Maybe some real people stories might appeal on a broader basis. Or, maybe you just want the beautiful at your gym? Good luck with that.

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